
Danni Mossman-Tucker

April 27, 1964 – June 13, 2010

From the siblings of Danni Moss:

On June 13, 2010, following a prolonged battle with cancer, Danni departed this life and stepped into the presence of the Lord.

Obviously, this creates a significant question as to the future of this blog. We are enormously proud of Danni and the work to which she had dedicated herself and we definitely want to preserve the wisdom God gave her to impart to others through her exceptional writing. In addition, due to Danni’s tireless efforts, this blog is now a reference resource for many others both online and off.

In light of that, we have made the decision to keep her blog online as long as possible.  However, as there will be no one present to moderate comments or respond to emails, we will be disabling those functions. We WILL allow comments on THIS post for a period of time for those who might want to leave remembrances. We are archiving those for Danni’s children so they will understand the extent of her ministry.

She will be greatly missed…

32 Responses

  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to Danni’s children and her family.

    Danni was a woman of wisdom and courage. She pursued truth, sought justice, and carried forth compassion. She will be sorely missed.

  2. I’m so grateful for Danni’s insight and Godly wisdom that she shared with others on this website. The LORD used her mightily to bring HOPE to those of us who have been or are in domestically abusive relationships. She has touched so many people, and my life changed greatly as a result of her articles, comments, references, etc. I thank the LORD for her heart to minister to so many of us. I was inspired by her to learn and grow so that I too, in turn, could share the TRUTH with others that are hurting. Every day is a gift the LORD gives to us to be a blessing to others. DANNI’s work will continue to reach out to the hurting for years to come.

  3. Through Danni, I met a small group of Christian fellow survivors of domestic abuse who, like me, are writing on this issue. I am grateful to Danni for her networking ability, her willingness to share and challenge me and others, her indefatigable determination to keep on addressing the issues of abuse in marriage and the church.
    To her children, I want you to know that your mum helped a lot of people, and spent untold hours supporting and encouraging others.
    She used to talk about how serious it is when the tongue is used for evil purposes. She knew this from personal experience, at the deepest level. And she would want you to always remember the fine example she taught of not returning evil for evil, but at the same time, not being willing to be a doormat for abusers. She had learnt how to speak the truth fearlessly, and to call a spade a spade. I hope you each, in your own way, uphold the virtues she espoused. And I pray that you will not be overcome by evil, and will be valiant in fighting the battle for righteousness, in the Lord and with His help.
    If you ever want to contact me, you can do so through my website.
    To Danni’s family who have decided to keep this blog online as a resource, I say a hearty Thank You! May you be blessed for this courage and your preparedness to put your principles on the line.

  4. Danni helped bring attention to my families case. I did not know her but she provided me with guidance and facts. I would like to thank her for her hard work and thanks for listening to me.

  5. She was brave and good and told the truth for those who have no voice. What more good can be said about a person? We will see her in heaven.

    Jeri Massi (BASSENCO)

  6. I am very, very sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to friends and family alike. I got so much out of reading Danni’s blog. I figure only God knows just how many untold people she helped. Her blog was a source of encouragement and strength. She will be sorely missed. I can only hope that she has found love and peace in the ever loving arms of our Lord Jesus and savior. I wish there were more people in the world like her, but it gives me the strength, to try to carry on in whatever way I can, to make the world a better place. To call a spade a spade, when it needs to be. I am sure she is seated in a very high place in heaven, and while we may have been strangers, she most certainly was not to God or us.

    Thank you Danni, for all that you have done, and tried to do. Your work most certainly, was not done in vain. “For my word will not return unto me void, but will accomplish that which I please,” saith the Lord. Is. 55:11. And you spoke the truth. It amazes me some times, how some people who seem to have the least, can have the greatest impact on other people’s lives. How some people can suffer greater hardship than others, and still come out on top, doing more good than some with much more than they. I believe you are one such person. Peace to you and yours, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  7. I agree with everything everyone has said. Danni was such a light in the darkness. I spent years trapped in an abusive marriage in the midst of fundamentalism, and spinned my wheels round and round trying to make sense of a God that wanted me to be abused for the sake of preserving the marriage.

    I finally got out, and not long after found Danni’s blog. She made me see that the Bible does not condone abuse, and that the condition of our hearts is more important to God than the institution of marriage (not that she was down on marriage). She was able articulate thoughts, ideas, and feelings that I had deep inside me but didn’t know it until I read her work. She was able to see the foolishness in the church regarding abuse and to speak to it in truth. I will never forget the long conversation she had with HappyPromiseKeeper – that conversation alone taught me so much! Her work has set the captive free.

    To her children, I hope someday you understand the spiritual impact your mother had on those in the church suffering with abuse in all its forms. I only hope I can have that impact in the world. To her siblings, thank you for keeping this blog up – it will help people for years to come.

  8. I am so so saddened and sorry to hear about this. I only just learnt about this blog lately, when I started to leave my husband, and found it enormously useful. It is so validating to find Christian survivors.

    Today I wanted to go into this blog site to learn some more and imagine my shock to find out that this courageous woman has gone to be with her Lord. She’ll be another one I will be be looking out for in heaven when I get there.

  9. I was so sorry to hear of Danni’s passing. I had checked in here a few weeks ago hoping for some updates; a few days later I heard the news. I respected and admired Danni so much, as a fellow abuse and cancer survivor. She truly lived a life worthy of praise! Thank you so much for continuing to make this blog available!. God bless and comfort you all!

  10. Danni was one of the strongest people I have ever met. She did not let illness dictate her life instead, she worked hard at everything she did. It was always a joy to see her at school and I cannot begin to express how much I miss her. I did not know that she was such an inspiration to abused families.
    I am so very glad I had an opportunity to meet her and to see how much she gave of her self. May God’s blessings be upon your family and may they all fine peace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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