Domestic Abuser Database

While there is no way to know to be completely sure if someone you are dating or interested in may have a history as an abuser, there is a website which is compiling a list of known offenders. This list is of individuals who have had a legal restraining order or protective order served against them.

This is not completely fool proof, of course, but it is certainly a lot better than no information at all. I would also encourage anyone who reads this and knows of offenders who should be added to the list to add them! Remember, however, this list is for legally documented offenders only. I know many abusers never are legally found guilty, but without legal documentation, adding someone to such a list becomes legally libelous.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for your article regarding The Weaker Vessel, Inc. which is The National On-line Database of Domestic Violence Abusers.

    Being a victim of domestic violence is the greatest reason why I was moved to create an offender database. I feel the extreme need to warn others!! Please be mindful, that abusers come from all walks of life.

    In the beginning of your relationship they’ll put on the face that they want you to see. They’ll never confess to you that they’ve hurt someone in a previous relationship. And guess what, you’ll end up being the next victim…

    We asking everyone to do their homework, we’re providing this information free of charge to the general public. This is the first time ever that a database of this kind as been done.

    Law Enforcement has a domestic violence database but it is not viewable or searchable by the general public. It’s for their eyes only.

    We are asking for assistance, we need donations of time, treasures and talent. Please email us at

    Stay safe and Be Careful…

  2. This is the type of thing that needs to be public.

    I think its an awesome idea – thank you Weaker vessell!

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